Souffle acide du vent, larmes brulantes du ciel. Le monde ne ressemble plus aux paysages d'autrefois. Les cataclysmes ont frappé, des colonnes de flammes et de fumées se sont élevées sur l'horizon. La guerre. La guerre des hommes. Et nous, les loups n'avons eu d'autres choix que de fuir. Nombreux furent nos congénères emportés. Nous traversâmes les plaines cabossées, les forêts de cendres, poursuivis par la faim, traqués par la mort.

Notre salut, nous le devions malheureusement à ceux qui avaient provoqué notre malheur.

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 :: Archives :: Archives MAJ 2017 :: Terre Neutre :: Zone Nord/Ouest de la Fissure :: La plaine de cendres

 We were born to run [CHASSE SOLO]

Mange Lumière
Mange Lumière

Fiche de personnage
We were born to run [CHASSE SOLO] Qkci105/100We were born to run [CHASSE SOLO] Qkci  (105/100)
We were born to run [CHASSE SOLO] Qkci105/100We were born to run [CHASSE SOLO] Qkci  (105/100)
We were born to run [CHASSE SOLO] Qkci105/100We were born to run [CHASSE SOLO] Qkci  (105/100)
En savoir plus
Sam 3 Déc - 22:30

We were born to run


The earth trembled, shaked and broke, bleeding it's destructive and burning blood out of it's veins, agonizing once again.

La terre sous ses pattes s'était teinte d'une étrange couleur rouge qu'il n'avait jamais put apercevoir auparavant sur les terres d'Angels fall first.Peu-être était-ce son sang ayant sécher sur ce sol qui lui servait de peau? Quoi qu'il en soit, Tybalt le reniflait avec curiosités, quel était cette étrange couleur? Et ces horribles brumes de cendres étouffantes! Quel plaie! L'hiver ne s'était absolument pas installer, la chaleur le faisait bien plus souffrir que l'été dernier. Le vétéran pistait toutes ces nouvelles traces parcourant le sol à la recherche de nourriture.

Force : 104 - agilité : 105 - endurance : 105

codage by Reira
Mange Lumière
Mange Lumière

Fiche de personnage
We were born to run [CHASSE SOLO] Qkci105/100We were born to run [CHASSE SOLO] Qkci  (105/100)
We were born to run [CHASSE SOLO] Qkci105/100We were born to run [CHASSE SOLO] Qkci  (105/100)
We were born to run [CHASSE SOLO] Qkci105/100We were born to run [CHASSE SOLO] Qkci  (105/100)
En savoir plus
Sam 3 Déc - 22:31

We were born to run [CHASSE SOLO] 3533155962

Fiche de personnage
We were born to run [CHASSE SOLO] Qkci100/100We were born to run [CHASSE SOLO] Qkci  (100/100)
We were born to run [CHASSE SOLO] Qkci100/100We were born to run [CHASSE SOLO] Qkci  (100/100)
We were born to run [CHASSE SOLO] Qkci100/100We were born to run [CHASSE SOLO] Qkci  (100/100)
En savoir plus
Sam 3 Déc - 22:31

Le membre 'Tybalt' a effectué l'action suivante : Lancer de dés

'Dé de chasse' : 11
Mange Lumière
Mange Lumière

Fiche de personnage
We were born to run [CHASSE SOLO] Qkci105/100We were born to run [CHASSE SOLO] Qkci  (105/100)
We were born to run [CHASSE SOLO] Qkci105/100We were born to run [CHASSE SOLO] Qkci  (105/100)
We were born to run [CHASSE SOLO] Qkci105/100We were born to run [CHASSE SOLO] Qkci  (105/100)
En savoir plus
Sam 3 Déc - 22:37

We were born to run


The earth trembled, shaked and broke, bleeding it's destructive and burning blood out of it's veins, agonizing once again.

Voilà ce qu'il cherchait, cette grande bête qui boitait, certainement blessé par les nombreux tremblements de terre qui avaient terrifié les plus grands loups, même lui. Ses pattes se posaient lentement sur le sol cendreux chaud tendit qu'il rampait lentement vers l'objet de sa convoitise. Il approchait lentement, mais surement et bientôt voilà qu'il s'élança pour venir mordre à la gorge ce cerf qui eut toutefois le temps d'esquiver les crocs assassins de son bourreau. Tybalt se prit un coup d'épaule de la par du cervidé et se releva en grognant avant de faire furieusement claquer ses mâchoires. A nouveau il se jeta en avant pour refermer ses mâchoires, cette fois-ci sans erreur, sur l'artère de sa proie qui dans un cri de terreur tomba à sur le sol déjà rouge avant de rajouter une couche plus fraîche d'écarlate.

Force : 104 - agilité : 105 - endurance : 105

codage by Reira

Fiche de personnage
We were born to run [CHASSE SOLO] Qkci100/100We were born to run [CHASSE SOLO] Qkci  (100/100)
We were born to run [CHASSE SOLO] Qkci100/100We were born to run [CHASSE SOLO] Qkci  (100/100)
We were born to run [CHASSE SOLO] Qkci100/100We were born to run [CHASSE SOLO] Qkci  (100/100)
En savoir plus
Sam 3 Déc - 22:37

Le membre 'Tybalt' a effectué l'action suivante : Lancer de dés

'Dé de chasse' : 12, 8, 1, 10, 4
Mange Lumière
Mange Lumière

Fiche de personnage
We were born to run [CHASSE SOLO] Qkci105/100We were born to run [CHASSE SOLO] Qkci  (105/100)
We were born to run [CHASSE SOLO] Qkci105/100We were born to run [CHASSE SOLO] Qkci  (105/100)
We were born to run [CHASSE SOLO] Qkci105/100We were born to run [CHASSE SOLO] Qkci  (105/100)
En savoir plus
Sam 3 Déc - 22:40

We were born to run


The earth trembled, shaked and broke, bleeding it's destructive and burning blood out of it's veins, agonizing once again.

Tybalt continua par la suite sa chasse et parvint a attraper, un faon, deux blaireaux, un corbeau et une biche. Mais une odeur humaine vint chatouiller ses narines...Des bipèdes? Il aperçut alors un groupe de ces êtres sans poils ni plumes, étrangement vêtus, s'approcher. Pris dans ses chasses il ne les avait pas remarquer, et maintenant face à ses êtres il restait figer. Les hommes semblaient tout aussi surpris que lui, ils ne bougeaient point et le fixaient derrière leur masques à gaz. Tybalt, de par ses nombreuses expériences face aux hommes sut qu'il ne fallait surtout pas être agressif, et bien que remontant légèrement les babines il fit un pas en arrière, puis deux, puis trois et finit par partir d'un pas pressé loin de ces étranges êtres.

Force : 105 - agilité : 105 - endurance : 105

codage by Reira
Mange Lumière
Mange Lumière

Fiche de personnage
We were born to run [CHASSE SOLO] Qkci105/100We were born to run [CHASSE SOLO] Qkci  (105/100)
We were born to run [CHASSE SOLO] Qkci105/100We were born to run [CHASSE SOLO] Qkci  (105/100)
We were born to run [CHASSE SOLO] Qkci105/100We were born to run [CHASSE SOLO] Qkci  (105/100)
En savoir plus
Dim 4 Déc - 12:55


We were born to run


The earth trembled, shaked and broke, bleeding it's destructive and burning blood out of it's veins, agonizing once again.
A nouveau Tybalt se dirigea vers la plaine cendre, toujours aussi rouge depuis le début de l'agonie de la terre. Il fouilla les lieux à la recherche de proies.

Force : 105 - agilité : 105 - endurance : 105

codage by Reira

Fiche de personnage
We were born to run [CHASSE SOLO] Qkci100/100We were born to run [CHASSE SOLO] Qkci  (100/100)
We were born to run [CHASSE SOLO] Qkci100/100We were born to run [CHASSE SOLO] Qkci  (100/100)
We were born to run [CHASSE SOLO] Qkci100/100We were born to run [CHASSE SOLO] Qkci  (100/100)
En savoir plus
Dim 4 Déc - 12:55

Le membre 'Tybalt' a effectué l'action suivante : Lancer de dés

'Dé de chasse' : 3, 12, 6, 12, 8, 12
Mange Lumière
Mange Lumière

Fiche de personnage
We were born to run [CHASSE SOLO] Qkci105/100We were born to run [CHASSE SOLO] Qkci  (105/100)
We were born to run [CHASSE SOLO] Qkci105/100We were born to run [CHASSE SOLO] Qkci  (105/100)
We were born to run [CHASSE SOLO] Qkci105/100We were born to run [CHASSE SOLO] Qkci  (105/100)
En savoir plus
Dim 4 Déc - 13:01


We were born to run


The earth trembled, shaked and broke, bleeding it's destructive and burning blood out of it's veins, agonizing once again.

Par trois fois Tybalt rencontra des nomades, mais il compris bien vite, que ces dernier n'étaient pas agressif et jugea bon, à chaque confrontation, de ne leur adressé qu'un regard avant de partir, c'était la première fois qu'il faisait face à des humains passif. Il ramena au camp, un corbeau, deux lapins et un renard.

Force : 105 - agilité : 105 - endurance : 105

codage by Reira
Mange Lumière
Mange Lumière

Fiche de personnage
We were born to run [CHASSE SOLO] Qkci105/100We were born to run [CHASSE SOLO] Qkci  (105/100)
We were born to run [CHASSE SOLO] Qkci105/100We were born to run [CHASSE SOLO] Qkci  (105/100)
We were born to run [CHASSE SOLO] Qkci105/100We were born to run [CHASSE SOLO] Qkci  (105/100)
En savoir plus
Lun 5 Déc - 13:46

We were born to run


The earth trembled, shaked and broke, bleeding it's destructive and burning blood out of it's veins, agonizing once again.

Le mâle se dirigea à nouveau sur cette plaine rougeâtre afin de chasser et de ramener des vivres à sa meute, le nez au sol, il traqua ses proies.

Force : 105 - agilité : 105 - endurance : 105

codage by Reira

Fiche de personnage
We were born to run [CHASSE SOLO] Qkci100/100We were born to run [CHASSE SOLO] Qkci  (100/100)
We were born to run [CHASSE SOLO] Qkci100/100We were born to run [CHASSE SOLO] Qkci  (100/100)
We were born to run [CHASSE SOLO] Qkci100/100We were born to run [CHASSE SOLO] Qkci  (100/100)
En savoir plus
Lun 5 Déc - 13:46

Le membre 'Tybalt' a effectué l'action suivante : Lancer de dés

'Dé de chasse' : 6, 5, 3, 3, 1, 2
Mange Lumière
Mange Lumière

Fiche de personnage
We were born to run [CHASSE SOLO] Qkci105/100We were born to run [CHASSE SOLO] Qkci  (105/100)
We were born to run [CHASSE SOLO] Qkci105/100We were born to run [CHASSE SOLO] Qkci  (105/100)
We were born to run [CHASSE SOLO] Qkci105/100We were born to run [CHASSE SOLO] Qkci  (105/100)
En savoir plus
Lun 5 Déc - 13:48

We were born to run


The earth trembled, shaked and broke, bleeding it's destructive and burning blood out of it's veins, agonizing once again.
Aujourd'hui, pas de nomades. Ce fut un jour de chance. Il put alors ramener plus de proie que prévus. Deux renards, un corbeau, une belette, un chevreuil et un lapin.

Force : 105 - agilité : 105 - endurance : 105

codage by Reira
Mange Lumière
Mange Lumière

Fiche de personnage
We were born to run [CHASSE SOLO] Qkci105/100We were born to run [CHASSE SOLO] Qkci  (105/100)
We were born to run [CHASSE SOLO] Qkci105/100We were born to run [CHASSE SOLO] Qkci  (105/100)
We were born to run [CHASSE SOLO] Qkci105/100We were born to run [CHASSE SOLO] Qkci  (105/100)
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Mer 7 Déc - 12:11

J'avais oublier que j'avais 6 dés de chasses au lieu de 7.
J'ai éditer mon quota de proieees,

EDIT NOCTY: Pas de problème, j'ai enlevé chaque lancé en trop.
Mange Lumière
Mange Lumière

Fiche de personnage
We were born to run [CHASSE SOLO] Qkci105/100We were born to run [CHASSE SOLO] Qkci  (105/100)
We were born to run [CHASSE SOLO] Qkci105/100We were born to run [CHASSE SOLO] Qkci  (105/100)
We were born to run [CHASSE SOLO] Qkci105/100We were born to run [CHASSE SOLO] Qkci  (105/100)
En savoir plus
Dim 11 Déc - 19:47

We were born to run


The earth trembled, shaked and broke, bleeding it's destructive and burning blood out of it's veins, agonizing once again.
A nouveau le champion se dirigea vers les plaines de cendres, l'endroit regorgeait de gibier, alors pourquoi l'éviter? Bien que la terre tremblait et se mourrait Tybalt sentait que sa meute pourrait peu-être enfin se nourrir à sa faim ce mois-ci.

Force : 105 - agilité : 105 - endurance : 105

codage by Reira

Fiche de personnage
We were born to run [CHASSE SOLO] Qkci100/100We were born to run [CHASSE SOLO] Qkci  (100/100)
We were born to run [CHASSE SOLO] Qkci100/100We were born to run [CHASSE SOLO] Qkci  (100/100)
We were born to run [CHASSE SOLO] Qkci100/100We were born to run [CHASSE SOLO] Qkci  (100/100)
En savoir plus
Dim 11 Déc - 19:47

Le membre 'Tybalt' a effectué l'action suivante : Lancer de dés

'Dé de chasse' : 8, 3, 8, 12, 11, 7
Mange Lumière
Mange Lumière

Fiche de personnage
We were born to run [CHASSE SOLO] Qkci105/100We were born to run [CHASSE SOLO] Qkci  (105/100)
We were born to run [CHASSE SOLO] Qkci105/100We were born to run [CHASSE SOLO] Qkci  (105/100)
We were born to run [CHASSE SOLO] Qkci105/100We were born to run [CHASSE SOLO] Qkci  (105/100)
En savoir plus
Dim 11 Déc - 19:49

We were born to run


The earth trembled, shaked and broke, bleeding it's destructive and burning blood out of it's veins, agonizing once again.
Bien que le loup croisa à nouveau des nomades, il parvint a ramener au camp cinq bonnes proies. Un lapin, un cerf, un blaireau et deux renards.

Force : 105 - agilité : 105 - endurance : 105

codage by Reira
Contenu sponsorisé
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 We were born to run [CHASSE SOLO]

 :: Archives :: Archives MAJ 2017 :: Terre Neutre :: Zone Nord/Ouest de la Fissure :: La plaine de cendres